Friday, April 6, 2018

FreeRails: Next step, rebuilding the client

The refactoring of the code is coming to an end. I made some pages of notes on how the code works. The next step seems to be clear: the rebuilding of the client using JavaFX and in the course of this simplifying the server and client interaction if possible while retaining all the features.

This should result in a simpler, easier to modify code base and also more modern look at the same time. However, it will also take some time and meanwhile it will look from the outside as if not much progress is happening. This will surely limit the interest until this task is finished.

On the other side, someone else posted about the project on Reddit and I posted about it on the FreeGameDev and Java Gaming forums. This brought considerable interest and visitors on the project page. It's a good start.


  1. hi found by looking at mutiplayer games built in java on github as im looking for a new game to dev. looks intressting so will fork and try and build and see what happends. :)
