Friday, September 18, 2020

In the middle of building a new website for the OSGL

For the OSGL, I'm currently building a new static website with Python using the Jinja template engine and the Bulma CSS framework. First I learned about these things and now I kind of became productive. The output does not yet look nice, it's more like most of the needed information is present but it doesn't look nice in any way. Links between the games indices and the games entries are still missing, the games entries need a better format, many urls are just printed and stuff like this, but it's just more of what is already there.

In the end I will try to incorporate a few more pictures and a nicer layout and lots of hints that the content can easily be edited by contributing. And then in say 1-2 weeks, I might be ready to green-light it.

Friday, September 11, 2020

Ready to start building a better OSGL website

For the open source games list (OSGL) that I maintain, I'm finally ready to build a more comprehensive website programmatically. So far, it's a single page with a JavaScript data table showing >1000 rows. That was not a good presentation.

I now want pages for every game, every original inspiration and every developer as well as statistics pages and category pages, each with smaller JavaScript data tables and links between them.

The source of the data are the Markdown files in the OSGL as well as the reading and synchronization scripts in Python using a parser for the Markdown files.

Now I will write templates (using Jinja2) to export the data to HTML and use a clean CSS framework and data tables. It will probably still be hosted on GitHub, unless I find a better place.