I looked at the code base of FreeRails now for quite some time. It's not simple to understand. There is quite a lot of complexity involved.
On the one hand that is expected. Managing railways isn't simple. Incorporating the logic of trains running on tracks with a delivery schedule, cargo producers, financial transactions, extending the track network in a changing world, ... that is even a difficult problem in the real world. :)
Mapping this to a client/server framework where the server even has to defend itself against illegal moves (no underwater tracks so far) of the client or offer some kind of undo capability adds its share to the problem.
Add some common practices like missing documentation or using overly complex (cyclic) dependencies and the code soon mutates into a huge spaghetti monster. (That is by no means an accuse of anyone, it's just what happens naturally. Also reading code is often harder than writing it.)
How to untangle the spaghetti, reduce the complexity and facilitate further development? That is the big question!
I'm not aware of an easy way to do that. It rather takes much time and the first steps are usually the hardest while later most things more or less fall in place. But the project is open source and on Github, so everyone can take part.
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