I think the largest problems with building the new static website are solved and most of the structure is in place. I can render links, icons, text, lists and combinations thereof; I have a working template system and a split of the entries in games and frameworks/tools. Games can be filtered by letter, by genre, by programming language and by supported OS platform. Additionally there is a developer index and an inspirations (other games) index, all with backlinks. The layout is kind of looking well. I use icons in an icon-font to kind of improve the visualization. So far, so good.
Now the details are still to be filled in. Adding a bit more information here and there. Choosing more icons (for the genres), improving the layout (adjusting the size of the programming languages shown according to how many entries there are for each language), creating the statistics page, filling the contributions page with content, creating a cover picture as a collage from many pictures of OS games, ... and that will still take a couple of weeks.
My new dead line, beginning of November. On the plus side: I'm really proud of how nice it looks.